All Floor Pillows

Floor Pillow, Bean Bag, Pillow Sac and More!

Floor pillows provide casual seating for any occasion. Make them an alternative to furniture and enjoy the more plush an far more portable capabilities. They are a great crash pad for hanging out, playing with the kids, watching TV or just taking a nap and rest your body. We offer quality, comfortable pillow sacs, loungers, bean bags, cocoons and gaming chairs.

Jaxx 7′ Giant Sac standard

Brand: Jaxx Description: The Largest Jaxx in the Land “Fee fi fo fum! I need a place to rest my bum!” Unfortunately for Jack’s giant, there were no magical beanbags on top of the beanstalk. But down here on earth, Jaxx Giant is our largest beanbag that is a world apart from the ordinary. Providing colossal amounts of comfort, as well as appealing to modern design, you’d swear it came right out of a fairytale. With enough space for several friends, this Jaxx can be used as a couch in a family room, a guest bed, a media room crash pad, or anything else the imagination can conjure. Filled with furniture grade foam, these Jaxx are the epitome of comfort. ...

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